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Why are Republicans butt-hurt about Whoopi Goldberg’s public support of Joe Biden? The outcry, explained

The tensions keep rising as the 2024 election approaches.

Whoopi Goldberg supports Joe Biden
Photo by Steve Granitz/FilmMagic/Mario Tama/Getty Images

Whoopi Goldberg’s public support for Joe Biden in the 2024 elections has set Republican tongues wagging and keyboards clacking.

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Goldberg is a beloved actress and talk show host with a lot of cultural capital in Hollywood. So, with 2024’s elections being so divisive, her opinion can sway people still standing over the fence. But what triggered the anger and disappointment of Republicans was a recent statement by Whoopi Goldberg on ABC’s The View where she confirmed her unshakable trust in Biden’s ability to lead the country. In a moment of pure Whoopi wisdom, she proclaimed, “I don’t care if he’s pooped his pants. I don’t care if he can’t put a sentence together. Show me he can’t do the job, and then I’ll say, ‘Okay, maybe it’s time to go.'”

Goldberg’s colorful declaration comes at a time when Biden’s age and fitness for office have been under intense scrutiny. At 81 years old, Biden is the oldest sitting president in U.S. history, a fact that has not escaped the notice of his critics. However, Goldberg’s stance seems to be less about Biden’s age and more about his ability to perform the duties of the presidency. The actress drew parallels to Biden’s performance in the 2020 Democratic primary debates, recalling how he bounced back from a shaky start to ultimately secure the nomination. “He came back and said, ‘You know what? I got it,’ and gave four years,” Goldberg reminded viewers, emphasizing the importance of resilience and adaptability in leadership.

Why are Republicans mad at Whoopi Goldberg?

Goldberg’s staunch support for Biden starkly contrasts the growing chorus of voices in Hollywood calling for the president to step aside. From Stephen King to Michael Moore, several high-profile figures in the entertainment industry have expressed concerns about Biden’s age and ability to serve another term. As expected, Republicans are using Goldberg’s statement to try to sink Biden’s boat, despite the obvious irony.

It seems the Grand Old Party is suffering from a severe case of selective memory. While they’re quick to pounce on any perceived gaffe or stumble from Biden, they conveniently forget their own candidate’s propensity for word salads that would make a linguist weep. The Republican outrage machine is working overtime, trying to paint Goldberg’s loyalty as blind devotion while ignoring the fact that their own party has been playing “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” for years when it comes to their chosen orange leader. Finally, it’s not Biden who recently had some disturbingly public bowel movement issues.

Of course, there are legitimate concerns about electoral integrity. By suggesting she’d support Biden regardless of his condition, Goldberg downplays the importance of having a competent leader in the White House – a solid reason not to vote for Trump. As such, Goldberg inadvertently provided ample ammunition for Republican critics. In short, the controversy highlights the ongoing tension between party loyalty and objective assessment of a candidate’s fitness for office, a debate that continues to shape the political landscape as the 2024 election approaches.