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J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek Sequel Finally Gets An Official Title

One of the things that people have been wondering about most regarding J.J. Abrams' upcoming sequel to his Star Trek reboot, other than who the villain will be, is simply, what the title is.

One of the things that people have been wondering about most regarding J.J. Abrams’ upcoming sequel to his Star Trek reboot, other than who the villain will be, is simply, what the title is.

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Today, thanks to The Film Stage, we finally have the answer to the second question. It’s been confirmed with multiple sources that the film will be called Star Trek Into Darkness, and no, that’s not a typo, there really is no colon to be found in the title.

My first impressions of the title are that I’m not blown away by it as it sounds kind of generic, and not having the colon in there will probably just create confusion. However, as long as the movie ends up being good, the title can be whatever they want as far as I’m concerned.

It was apparently a long process to arrive at this final selection with the filmmakers even trying out titles that didn’t have Star Trek in them. A Star Trek film without “Star Trek” in the title? Can you imagine the amount of confusion that would have occurred if they had gone that route?

The film is still several months away, so it’s probably still going to be awhile before we get a teaser, but at the very least we now know what to call it. Now things can go back to normal with everyone trying to guess who the villain is.

Star Trek Into Darkness hits theaters on May 17, 2013.

What do you think of the title? Let us know in the comments!