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‘You stressing that man out’: Wife quizzes her husband on questions every woman knows the answer to, and he fails miserably

A husband is put in the hot seat.

TikTok screenshots via @officialburt
Screenshots via TikTok

A man enters the kitchen to find himself grilled by his wife and he has no idea how to respond. While this sounds like one of TikTok‘s favorite “cheaters caught red-handed” videos, in this case the situation is actually a whole lot more wholesome. Burt the himbo husband is quizzed by his wife with a series of questions that “all women know the answer to, but most men don’t.” Guess whether he counts as one of those men or not?

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Yes, in a hilarious video from TikTok account @officialburt — run by Burt’s wife but featuring Burt as its star — Burt fails spectacularly to offer the right answer to a variety of questions that are everyday knowledge for the majority of women. He does get one or two right — after some prompting, he was able to say where you should apply contour and, thanks to a lucky guess, he correctly answered what the L, R, S, and U labels on tampons stand for. For every other question, however, Burt is way, way off.

Highlights include his total incomprehension when asked to explain what it would mean if his wife told him she was getting a Brazilian (“I would guess it was a person if you didn’t use it in that context”) or his immediate, knee-jerk response to being asked to specify how long an average period lasts. “I don’t know, it’s like two weeks, isn’t it?” Burt offers, to be met with hysterical laughter from his wife. It seems Burt is one of the 14% of men (1 in 10) who have never had a conversation with a woman about periods.

To be fair to Burt, women have piped up in the comments to admit they didn’t know the answers to all of these questions either. “Me being a girl, didn’t know spoolie or LBD,” said one. As we and Burt now know, that’s the brush used to comb eyebrows and slang for “little black dress” (not, as Burt’s very straight male mind suggested, “lick boobs daily”). He really lost some points for that period answer, however. “2 week period. I’d die,” joked another commenter.

Still, let’s cut Burt some slack as he was clearly giving this quiz his best shot, all while looking after the couple’s baby and cooking dinner at the same time. For some viewers, that’s worth a lot more points than just getting the answers right. “So not only did he have quite a bit of those answers but he’s also making dinner WHILE taking care of the baby! Ma’am! That’s a keeper right there, hold on to him!” gushed one TikToker.

Burt may have failed the test, but at least he’s won at life.