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‘You’re really flying now!’: Traveler forced to eat an entire bag of ‘snacks’ before boarding plane, and ends up higher than the plane itself

And this wasn't an isolated incident, either.

Screengrabs via TikTok

First, a disclaimer: TikTok‘s @ginabakes wasn’t actually forced to slam back a massive handful of… let’s called it “enhanced” cookie dough, before getting on her flight. The way she saw it, though, there were two options; surrender these delectable recreationals at the cost of all the money and labor that went into them, or try and prove that this was plain old cookie dough by eating all of them at once and bracing herself for impact.

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Gina, who would apparently rather commune with the Old Gods than even think about being wasteful, had no trouble making her decision, just as we have no trouble figuring out that that cookie dough did not belong in a church, in a manner of speaking.


Why would I lie like that 🤣

♬ Funny Sound – Larra Backsound

It’s a 12-second story told in just five pictures; Gina’s in line waiting to get on her plane, the item in question is a bag of pinkish cookie bites that Gina insists (and tries to demonstrate) are just cookie bites, and before she knows it, the plane that she boards joins her in the clouds, and her eyes begin to resemble watermelons. Indeed, Gina is absolutely kazooed out of her gourd here, and the gourd has changed the locks.

Except, not everyone seems to be buying this narrative. Some are suggesting that TSA agents would never go to this sort of trouble, and others are suggesting that even if they did, her special treat wouldn’t pose any sort of issue. What these commenters don’t seem to realize, however, is that regardless of how true these events are, the picture it paints is an utterly hilarious one.

It’s so hilarious, in fact, that the only thing that could possibly be funnier is if this video was a marketing tactic employed by Gina to bring further attention to her homemade weed-infused cookie dough, which she happens to sell online and has a link to that shop in her TikTok profile, which also happens to house countless other videos featuring these delectable, mind-numbing little culprits. But what are the odds of that?

Well, they’re about as likely as some of those videos being suspiciously similar to the one above (and by similar, we mean sharing some of the exact same frames).

Might a TikTok scroller — who’s not in the know — end up clocking Gina’s ruse and label her as disingenuous? Yeah, probably, but those are just the risks you have to take when it comes to the no-holds-barred, cutthroat game of advertising, and if staged skits involving psychologically relentless baked goods is bringing in customers, all the power to her.