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‘At least he had his safety goggles on’: Leveled-up chocolate milk experience goes hilariously awry when a drill comes into the mix

What did they expect would happen??

TikTok milkshake drill
Image via samuelgrubbs/TikTok

A video has gone viral on TikTok in which a guy attaches a spoon to a drill and scoops up some chocolate milk powder before recklessly using the power tool to mix the powder with milk. He does this in front of a highly entertained toddler (presumably his son), who excitedly instructs the adult (presumably his father) to “Do it.” Then, after saying “Oh boy” and whispering “Yes” in eager anticipation of the carnage to come, the child gets far too close to the milk as the drill gets turned on.

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The 20-second clip, posted by Samuel Grubbs, abruptly ends just as the milk and powder inevitably splash all over the place, undoubtedly covering the poor kid in a brown-and-white mess. The youngster’s unusual method of wearing safety goggles — on his head and not covering his eyes — didn’t help matters one bit, and he was probably temporarily blinded by the splatter after the filming stopped.

The unique and chaotic method of mixing the drink has garnered a significant response from amused TikTok users, who commented on it in droves.

How did TikTok react?

The video thoroughly entertained the TikTok community, with one user confidently pointing out that “Mom ain’t home forsureeeee,” and another saying, “Pov: Dads activities.”

The official Wendy’s TikTok account hilariously chimed in about the toddler’s misuse of his personal protective equipment, saying, “well at least he had his safety goggles on.”

One user bizarrely thought the events in the video were going to take a different direction, saying, “Am I the only one who thought he was gonna put the chocolate in his mouth and start spinning it in there?” Yes, yes, dear, you are.

Others could see what was coming a mile off, with one user writing, “Moment I saw those safety glasses I knew something going to happen” and another commenting, “Why’d I know that this would happen?”

Someone couldn’t help but point out what the poor kid said before the situation went south and wrote, “the innocent lil “yes!” he whispered to himself before the absolute betrayal.”

Of course, many users commented on the unfortunate moment the video ended, denying them the opportunity to see the aftermath of the milkshake explosion. One person wailed, “CRYIGNGG THE CUTOFF” and another wrote, “the cut off-.”

Meanwhile, one user simply said, “Why is no one talking about how perfectly executed the scoop was.” To be fair, it really was.

RTA Outdoor Living investigated Google Trends data to determine the favorite milkshake flavor in each of the 50 U.S. states. The organization found chocolate (or chocolate malt) was the preferred flavor in 12 of them. The states in question are Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. Here’s hoping this specifically mad method of mixing it with milk doesn’t catch on in any of the states any time soon. Imagine the goey carnage.