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‘AOK with your Fat Orange cult leader’: Marjorie Taylor Greene admits that she’s contributed to U.S. debt enslavement as well as invasions and general tyranny

Her never-ending tomfoolery continues.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Getty
Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images

It’s said that even a broken clock is right twice a day, and seeing Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s latest tweet in her never-ending stream of banal rhetoric, I’m inclined to agree with that maxim.

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The full-time social media conspiracy theorist and part-time GOP representative belongs to a class of politicians that only began to emerge at the onset of the 21st century. By now, many know how to read the telltale signs from a mile away; twisting truths to serve their own cause, fear-mongering to ensure their re-election, and ridiculous antics that bring to mind your insane neighbor as opposed to a level-headed delegate of the people.

But what makes Greene so special, even among this new substrate of parasitic state officials who are only out for themselves, is her relentless pursuit of fallacious half-truths and wild soothsayings. I’m not even exaggerating when I say not a day goes by that Greene doesn’t take to her social media accounts to express one insipid thought or another. And when these thoughts don’t border on manic conspiracy peddling, they tend to include outright falsehoods that would even put the Con Don, her hero, to shame.

Still, you can’t go your entire life without even getting a nudge from your conscience every now and again, and that may just have been what recently happened to old Marj when she contemplated her role in the US government. Tiring of going after other governments and their leaders, Greene has just accused the United States Federal Government of “victimizing” the American people more than any other country in the world.

“The one government that has victimized the American people more than any country in the world is the United States Federal Government,” she wrote. “The enemy within has enslaved the people in $35+ Trillion in debt, legalized a never-ending mass daily invasion, and has grown and empowered itself towards tyranny.”

I don’t know which government Marjorie is talking about here, but I’m sure she can’t possibly be saying that all of this happened over the past three years. And if she is, does she realize that her term as Georgia’s representative started in 2021? And besides, the MAGA enthusiast really needs to look at some statistics before tweeting whatever comes to her brain.

The government debt, which has been slowly accumulating over the years, is no laughing matter, and many experts have warned that if and when it defaults, the impacts on the global economy, and the United States in particular, would be catastrophic. And yet these are not arguments you expect to hear from a Trump fanatic like Marjorie Taylor Greene. When she says the government has “empowered itself towards tyranny,” what tyranny is she exactly referring to?

Marj would be the last person we’d expect to make a case against the U.S. taxpayer dollars funding foreign wars, or the U.S. getting involved with other countries’ affairs, so my money is on yet another unhinged conspiracy theory involving an organized and systematic tyranny presided over by the Democrats. Yep, that sounds about right. In fact, I half-expect Marjorie to further elaborate on this point by going on other signature deranged rants in the coming days.