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The Avengers Animation Director Hopes Justice League Movie Follows In Marvel’s Footsteps

After The Avengers dominated the summer blockbuster season earning $1.5 billion globally, it's come as no surprise that DC Comics have set their sights on making a Justice League movie of their own to see if lightning will strike twice.

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After The Avengers dominated the summer blockbuster season earning $1.5 billion globally, it’s come as no surprise that DC Comics have set their sights on making a Justice League movie of their own to see if lightening will strike twice.

While it seems like a fine idea, the question is how will they follow in Marvel’s footsteps. There’s no telling when audiences will tire of superheroes, and DC have indicated that they might not spend the next five years on follow up movies the way that Marvel did.

Marc Chu, the animation director of The Avengers, in an interview with Screen Rant, suggested that DC would be best served introducing the Justice League one member at a time, similar to the route that Marvel took.

“I think the success of [The Avengers] is purely built on Marvel and [Marvel executive Kevin Feige’s] vision to get to that goal.” Chu said when he heard that DC may not film a lead-up movie for each member of the Justice League. Chu doubted that audiences would connect with the characters if each didn’t have their own movie, “…you kind of need to tell those stories to tell how they got there…You can’t tell that without explaining the origin story.”

Honestly, it doesn’t seem like there’s a right answer here for DC. Audiences could develop superhero fatigue long before DC gets a chance to take the long range approach Marvel did for The Avengers. On the other hand, attempting to put so many different characters on screen with such complicated backstories, without giving viewers a chance to learn about the heroes, seems like it could backfire.

In either case it seems like a pretty big risk. Then again, so did The Avengers just a few years ago. And we all know how that turned out.

What do you think DC should do? Sound off in the comments below.