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Rejoice! Tokyo Jungle Gets Four New DLC Animals Today

If you are anything like me you have been flipping through Tokyo Jungle's animal selection screen on a daily basis and screaming out loud, "When are they going to make the Kangaroo available?!?! I can see it right there, mocking me behind its locked content icon!!!". Well, my friends I have good news for you.

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If you are anything like me you have been flipping through Tokyo Jungle‘s animal selection screen on a daily basis and screaming out loud, “When are they going to make the Kangaroo available?!?! I can see it right there, mocking me behind its locked content icon!!!”. Well, my friends I have good news for you.

Sony has announced that when the PlayStation Store updates later today Tokyo Jungle‘s Crocodile, Giraffe, Panda, and all-important Kangaroo will become available for purchase. SCEA forgot to mention a price point for the DLC, but they did promise that they will be giving away some additional costumes later this afternoon.

[Update] The DLC animals will cost $0.99 each or $2.49 for the bundle.

Check out the screenshots for the four new Tokyo Jungle animals below, which reveal a painful (Hunger) drawback for all you Crocodile lovers out there. On the other hand, the Kangaroo looks to be everything I ever wanted!

Source: PlayStation Blog