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Darren Aronofsky Builds An Actual Ark For Noah

Bits and pieces have been drifting out about Darren Aronofsky’s latest film Noah about – you guessed it – the biblical character who built that ark. Until now, no sign has been seen of the ark itself but apparently, Mr. Aronofsky is taking the ark-building pretty seriously as he’s constructed a fairly biblically accurate version of Noah’s ark for the film.

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Bits and pieces have been drifting out about Darren Aronofsky’s latest film Noah about – you guessed it – the biblical character who built that ark. Until now, no sign has been seen of the ark itself but apparently, Mr. Aronofsky is taking the ark-building pretty seriously as he’s constructed a fairly biblically accurate version of Noah’s ark for the film.

Today, a photo comes to us via The Film Stage of the actual ark that Aronofsky has had constructed for the film about God’s vengeance, floods and animals on life-rafts. Photographer Dan Wagner, who snapped the pic, had this to say:

“to see it in person, and know there’s no CGI involved, was incredible. The set decorator brought in tree stumps that weren’t there before, to give the effect that the ark was made with local lumber.”

The ark in question is supposedly about 700 cubits, which is double the size of what’s described in the Book of Genesis. I guess that Noah didn’t have a $115 million budget back in the day.

Aronofsky has gathered a good cast for the biblical epic, with Russell Crowe headlining and Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins and Emma Watson rounding it out. The cast itself seems more of an attraction than spending time and money building a huge ark.  Then again, the ark a testament to the old biblical epics that did not have CGI to work with. Oh, and the Bible. There’s that too.

Now we just have to wait and see if Darren Aronofsky plans to flood part of the world to get the proper effect.

Noah sets sail on March 28, 2014. Check out where a $115 million budget went below.