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Alex Gibney To Direct Julian Assange Documentary

We heard yesterday that a documentary about this year's Wiki Leaks scandal and its owner Julian Assange was in the works, now no sooner than a day later Universal has picked up the project and put famed documentarian Alex Gibney in the driving seat as director.

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We heard yesterday that a documentary about the famous Wikileaks scandal and its owner Julian Assange was in the works, now no sooner than a day later Universal has picked up the project and put famed documentarian Alex Gibney in the driving seat as director. Of course any studio would be foolish not to pick up this hot potato of a subject and giving Gibney the job is the best thing they could have done.

Gibney has carved an excellent career for himself as a documentarian and is one of the best in business. Well known for Taxi to the Dark Side and the brilliant Enron: The Smartest Guys In the Room, Gibney was always best when dealing with political subjects and who better a subject than Assange. The whole Wikileaks scandal is certainly one of the most interesting stories in recent years and it would be good to see the man himself appear in Gibney’s film.

The film will base a lot of its information on a yet unpublished biography on Assange called The Most Dangerous Man in the World, which has been written by Andrew Fowler. However it is likely, given his background, Gibney will do an extraordinary level of research. This could be a documentary to really look out for.