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Entourage Season 7-04 ‘Tequila Sunrise’ Recap

Finally we're starting to get a look at what the season is going to revolve around. All the character's are easing into their story arcs for the season and it looks like things are going to get pretty interesting. Episode 7-04, 'Tequila Sunrise' premiered last night and once again the show gave us another fantastic episode.

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Episode 7-04, ‘Tequila Sunrise’ premiered last night and once again Entourage gave us another fantastic episode. Finally we’re starting to get a look at what the season is going to revolve around. All the character’s are easing into their story arcs and it looks like things are going to get pretty interesting.

This week’s episode saw a few interesting storylines starting to take shape. The two major storylines involved Turtle and Drama. Turtle, who’s still desperately trying to get with Alex, ventured down to Mexico with her to check out her business proposition. It turns out that she’s really only interested in Vince and she wants him to be the face of a new tequila drink that is launching shortly. The two were flirting quite a bit this episode and the viewers are probably just as confused as Turtle is as to whether Alex really likes him or not.

Drama met with John Stamos this week to discuss his new show. Stamos had a great cameo and there were some pretty funny moments during his scenes. Drama dropped a nice Full House reference when he said “This is gonna be a long day for Uncle Jesse” and the two played off each other pretty well. At first Stamos hated Drama but by the end of the episode Drama convinced him to consider doing the show.

Vince and E didn’t do much this episode as it mainly centered on Drama and Turtle but E finally made peace with Scotty. Despite their new friendship I still don’t trust Scotty. I think he’s up to something and he’ll probably end up stabbing E in the back.

The Airwalkers script that Scotty got for Vince, looks like it will be Vinnie’s next film. Vince read it and loved it and E thought it was great also. Hopefully next episode we’ll get more info on what Airwalkers is all about and who will direct Vince in the film. Maybe he’ll re-team with Cameron?

Lastly there’s Ari. Still trying to get his NFL team, Ari calls a meeting with some very rich and powerful people from LA. Ari put on a great presentation and his chances of getting the team are looking good. There is one problem though, the Lizzie storyline from last week returns and it seems as if Lizzie is out to get Ari.

After screwing her over last week, Ari finds out that Lizzie is trying to ruin his career. She tells him that she’s not afraid of him and lets him know that she’s out for revenge. I think she could be a major problem for Ari this season and she might even ruin his chances for the NFL team.

Speaking of Lizzie, we also got to see Andrew Klein. He calls Ari from rehab and warns Ari about Lizzie and what she’s up to. While seeing Andrew Klein was a nice surprise, Lloyd and Mrs. Ari were noticably absent from this episode.

Overall it was another great episode. The only thing I don’t like this season is Turtle and his storyline. The Turtle storyline continues to be a bit far fetched and seems out of place. It feels like it just doesn’t fit in with the overall show. The whole Tequila thing still seems a bit sketchy and I hope he doesn’t get involved in it. As for Alex, it’s tricky to get a read on her but I think she’ll end up falling for Turtle.

E is starting to realize that he’s going to have to make sacrifices if he wants to marry Sloan. At the end of the episode, the boys all take off to Vegas (even Stamos and Scotty go with), E is the only one who stays back because he has prior commitments to Sloan. We can see he’s upset and feels left out. He’s not really one of the boys anymore. Even Vince knows it and that’s why he’s hanging out with Scotty more. E has his own life now and doesn’t really fit into Vince’s entourage anymore.

Drama will most likely get Stamos to do the show but I think there’s going to be problems. I suspect this isn’t the last time we’ll see Stamos but I don’t think the show is going to be a hit. Knowing Drama and his bad luck, something bad will happen.

The Ari/Lizzie fued is shaping up nicely and I think it’s going to be quite entertaining. Ari doesn’t back down from anyone and Lizzie is equally strong willed. I wonder if Lizzie is actually going to do anything serious to Ari’s career or possibly his marriage?

Looking ahead, next week’s episode should be a good one. The boys are heading down to Vegas and Vegas plus Entourage always makes for great entertainment.

What did you think of last night’s episode?