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Kristen Wiig Approached For A Role In Anchorman: The Legend Continues

Now I’m definitely in a glass case of emotion. (Sorry, I had to do it). For once I don’t feel incredibly sarcastic about a news item and it shows! We were all very excited when the Anchorman sequel, Anchorman: The Legend Continues, was announced via late-night flute solo. The news kept getting better when it was confirmed that most of the original cast would be returning. Now we’re beginning to get our first glimpses of what the rest of the cast will look like … and I for one am totally thrilled.

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Now I’m definitely in a glass case of emotion. (Sorry, I had to do it). For once I don’t feel incredibly sarcastic about a news item and it shows! We were all very excited when the Anchorman sequel, Anchorman: The Legend Continues, was announced via late-night flute solo. The news kept getting better when it was confirmed that most of the original cast would be returning. Now we’re beginning to get our first glimpses of what the rest of the cast will look like … and I for one am totally thrilled.

/Film informs us that Bridesmaids writer/star Kristen Wiig has been approached for a role in Anchorman: The Legend Continues, as a “love interest of some kind” to Steve Carell’s very dim-witted weatherman Brick.

Let’s just let that sink in for a moment. I mean, doesn’t that sound awesome/hilarious/potentially offensive in the best possible way? You know it does. Could Wiig be the girl who makes Brick love more than a lamp? We can only hope.

The script for Anchorman: The Legend Continues is still being written, and Wiig has only been approached, not yet cast. But she has a long-standing relationship with producer Judd Apatow on both Knocked Up and Bridesmaids, and SNL cred along with Ferrell, so there’s a good chance that adding her to the cast will become more than just wishful thinking.

It would be great to have another funny woman on the cast; aside, of course, from Christina Applegate, who more than held her own in the original. Apatow and Co.’s films still tend to be very dude-heavy, Bridesmaids notwithstanding. The more true comediennes, the better.

Anchorman: The Legend Continues has a projected March shoot date, and release for October 2013, so we can expect proper casting announcements before long. As always we’ll keep an eye on those as they come in.

Until then, stay classy San Diego.