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Double Fine Productions Confirmed As Interested Bidder For THQ Assets

The official bidding procedures for the auction of THQ's assets has been posted, along with the news that Tim Schafer's company Double Fine Productions has joined Warner Bros. Entertainment, Electronic Arts, and possibly Ubisoft as one of the parties interested in buying the bankrupt publisher's IPs.

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The official bidding procedures for the auction of THQ’s assets has been posted, along with the news that Tim Schafer’s company Double Fine Productions has joined Warner Bros. Entertainment, Electronic Arts, and possibly Ubisoft as one of the parties interested in buying the bankrupt publisher’s IPs.

Double Fine’s interest in the THQ asset auction was discovered by Distressed Debt Investing — which has been an extremely reliable and helpful source on THQ’s recent courtroom drama — who reported that the company has “asked for bankruptcy filings in the THQ case”.

Considering the number of huge entertainment corporations that are currently sniffing around THQ’s carcass for quick deals, it’s interesting to hear that a smaller company like Double Fine is thinking of jumping into the bidding war. While it is certainly possible that Tim Schafer and company are looking to make a play for some of THQ’s mid-tier brands — Saints Row and Darksiders are probably going to end up well outside their spending limit — the more likely scenario is that they are simply looking to secure the rights to some of their prior games.

THQ acted as publisher for two of Double Fine’s recent digital releases; 2011’s Stacking, and 2010’s Costume Quest (along with that game’s DLC, Grubbins on Ice). It is unclear who actually owns the rights to either intellectual property, so it would be reasonable to assume that both games will be high priority targets for any bidding on the part of Double Fine.

On a personal note, here’s hoping they can at least lock down Costume Quest. My body is ready for a sequel.

Bidding for THQ’s assets — both as a whole company and individual IPs — happens on January 22, 2013, with all bids due by 9AM Eastern time. We will be sure to let you know if any other companies come forward as potential bidders between now and then, and report back on exactly what Double Fine Productions‘ angle is as soon as the dust clears.