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New Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel Trailer Brings The Action

EA is continuing to ramp up the marketing for Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel, which releases on March 26th. Filled with balls to the wall action, this new trailer amps up the blockbuster aspect of the game, promising us that we're in for one hell of a wild ride. Think Michael Bay style wild ride, but in videogame form.

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EA is continuing to ramp up the marketing for Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel, which releases on March 26th. Filled with balls to the wall action, this new trailer amps up the blockbuster aspect of the game, promising us that we’re in for one hell of a wild ride. Think Michael Bay style wild ride, but in videogame form.

While shooters are a dime a dozen these days, the Army of Two series does manage to stand out. For one, it’s overly-machismo attitude is a big draw, as is its co-op factor, which of course will return in the latest instalment.

Few games place as much importance on co-op as this series does and in Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel, working with your partner will be more important than ever. Being a huge fan of co-op, I’ve always appreciated how much effort and thought goes into the co-operative aspect of the series, as almost every scenario and situation requires teamwork to get through. Of course, you can partner up with the AI but the big draw here is playing co-op with another human player. It’s an absolute blast and one of my favorite aspects of the game.

Back to the trailer though, EA has really hit it out of the park, as they do with most of their marketing. This is exciting stuff and has me eagerly anticipating the game. I’ve loved the series from the first instalment and though this time around we’ll be losing Salem and Rios in favour of two new characters (Alpha and Bravo), the core gameplay mechanics and elements are still in place, which ensures that this will be a fun-filled co-op romp through the dangerous streets of Mexico.

Check out the latest trailer for Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel below and let us know what you think. Are you looking forward to the game? Are you a fan of the series? How do you think this title is shaping up?