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James Bond Will Return…By 2016, Director Announcement Incoming

For a while, the cinematic landscape seemed a little bleaker as the likelihood of a new Bond Film, (capital F) was jeopardized by MGM's bankruptcy and the gap between the cooly-recieved Quantum of Solace and any potential follow-up grew ever larger. Quite unbelievably, Skyfall did eventually emerge as not only a commercial smash of significant enough proportion to guarantee the series' future but as a critical darling, embraced by a great many Bond Fans (another capital F) as one of the greatest ever. Director Sam Mendes has opted not to return, instead acting as arguably the series' most positive influence in 50 years with his inheritance of a flawed franchise and restoration of its roots. Skyfall was like a mechanic in a bad metaphor: it didn't just tune up the engine - it replaced it with a superior model built to the original car's specification.

Bond 24 Director Announcement

Bond 24 Director Announcement

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For a while, the cinematic landscape seemed a little bleaker as the likelihood of a new Bond Film, (capital F) was jeopardized by MGM’s bankruptcy and the gap between the cooly-recieved Quantum of Solace and any potential follow-up grew ever larger. Quite unbelievably, Skyfall did eventually emerge as not only a commercial smash of significant enough proportion to guarantee the series’ future but as a critical darling, embraced by a great many Bond Fans (another capital F) as one of the greatest ever.

Director Sam Mendes has opted not to return, instead acting as arguably the series’ most positive influence in 50 years with his inheritance of a flawed franchise and restoration of its roots. Skyfall was like a mechanic in a bad metaphor: it didn’t just tune up the engine – it replaced it with a superior model built to the original car’s specification.

Though we don’t know, well, anything about the next Bond Film, I’ve not been this excited to be a fan since Goldeneye came out. We’re fresh off the back of one of the best films in years (period) and Bond is back atop the snowy peaks of Celluloid Mountain. The speculation’s about to begin again with cast announcements sure to follow the imminent reveal of its director. As a noted auteur director, Mendes’ appointment was something of a shock. The question is whether MGM will follow suit with his replacement or hand the reigns over to a workhorse not unlike the classic films’ Guy Hamilton: a supremely talented worker, but destined to be known as a Bond director.

Check out MGM’s official statement below (via The Guardian):

We are very excited about the franchise, we look forward to announcing a director soon,” said MGM chairman and chief executive officer Gary Barber in a conference call with investors. “We are currently developing the screenplay and working with our partners. We look forward to developing the script soon and signing a director. We are hoping within the next three years it will be released.

I’m not even going to ask if you’re excited for Bond 24Just tell us how excited (and weigh in on who you’d like to see involved).