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WGTC Radio #41 – Bioshock Infinite Review & Discussion

It’s a little late this week, but it’s time for another episode of WGTC Radio, the official podcast of We Got This Covered! Remember to subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link!

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It’s a little late this week, but it’s time for another episode of WGTC Radio, the official podcast of We Got This Covered! Remember to subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link!

As promised last week, this episode of WGTC Radio is devoted to dissecting, analyzing, and discussing Bioshock Infinite, the new videogame sensation, in excruciating detail! What are the major themes? How do we feel the story progresses? What is our interpretation of the ending? All that and more is discussed over our lengthy discussion of the story, characters, and gameplay.

And after that, we move on to our weekly discussion of Doctor Who, talking about the latest episode: “The Rings of Akhaten.” It may very well be the best episode of this problematic season thus far, and at the very least, it has no Doctor Who puns.


Time Chart: 

Intro/News: 0:00:00 – 0:09:16

Bioshock Infinite: 0:09:16 – 2:51:03

Doctor Who, “The Rings of Akhaten” Review: 2:51:03 – 3:21:14

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WGTC Radio is a weekly podcast that will post every Monday (except when it doesn’t), and if you subscribe in iTunes, episodes will be delivered automatically and for free as soon as they are released. If you visit We Got This Covered on Mondays, we will also have streaming and downloadable versions of new episodes for your listening pleasure.