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Watch Kick Ass Machete Kills Video Featuring Michelle Rodriguez

Are you excited about Machete Kills yet? No? What more does Robert Rodriguez have to do? OK, how about this: 30 seconds of Michelle Rodriguez kicking pageant beauty ass in an all-too-brief glimpse of the action from Machete Kills.


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Are you excited about Machete Kills yet? No? What more does Robert Rodriguez have to do? OK, how about this: 30 seconds of Michelle Rodriguez kicking pageant beauty ass in an all-too-brief glimpse of the action from Machete Kills.

Michelle Rodriguez is back as ‘She,’ the badass female counterpart to Danny Trejo’s scar-faced vigilante Machete. They’re here to right the wrongs, bring down the bad guys, and do it all in high-kicking, smart-talking camptacular style. To this end, we have a few seconds of Michelle Rodriguez doing what she does best: beating the hell out of people and cracking some badass jokes at the same time.

I don’t really want to spend this space recapping exactly what happens in a 30 second video, because you can watch it for yourself. There are so many fabulous one liners, a few groin punches and, yes, a girl fight, all within a very short space of time. Why? Because that’s all the space Michelle Rodriguez needs to make her point.

I just want to say that I’m thrilled with the idea of Machete Kills. The original film melded the tongue-in-cheek Grindhouse style with some pretty poignant (and sarcastic) remarks on illegal immigration and the rise of the working classes. Robert Rodriguez’s films have a surfeit of kick-ass women, often with Michelle Rodriguez right at the front. So while we will still have Sophia Vergara’s breast-guns to distract us, we can maybe expect something a bit deeper from Machete Kills than just exploitation violence.

Michelle Rodriguez will be taking part in the Women Who Kick Ass panel at San Diego Comic Con this Saturday. This chick is going to go down in history as one of the baddest badasses to ever badass. Check out the character clip below and let us know what you think in the comments.

Machete Kills hits theatres October 1st. Are you excited now?!