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WGTC Radio #58 – Catching Up On Comic Con, Batman Vs Superman, Steam Sale, & More

In this special bonus mid-week episode, we catch up on all the news, announcements, and happenings since I have been away on vacation. That means that we get to talk about awesome new movies like Pacific Rim and The Wolverine, the Steam Summer Sale, news about the Xbox One and Indie gaming, and of course, Comic-Con. There was far too much at Comic-Con (as always) to cover in one podcast, so we focused on what was directly relevant to this podcast – which, of course, includes Warner’s big, strange reveal of their Batman Vs Superman film for 2015.


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It’s time for another episode of WGTC Radio, the official podcast of We Got This Covered! Remember to subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link!

In this special bonus mid-week episode, we catch up on all the news, announcements, and happenings since I have been away on vacation. That means that we get to talk about awesome new movies like Pacific Rim and The Wolverine, the Steam Summer Sale, news about the Xbox One and Indie gaming, and of course, Comic-Con. There was far too much at Comic-Con (as always) to cover in one podcast, so we focused on what was directly relevant to this podcast – which, of course, includes Warner’s big, strange reveal of their Batman Vs. Superman film for 2015.

Talk of that movie, Amazing Spider-Man 2, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and, as is our wont, Doctor Who, rounds out a fun and busy episode of the podcast, which we are recording with a brand new HD microphone, courtesy of a donation from listener Kenneth, who deserves a big round of internet-applause for his help!

Enjoy the show!

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