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Mary Lynn Rajskub To Return As Chloe In 24: Live Another Day

After weeks of speculation, fan favourite Mary Lynn Rajskub has finally been cast in 24: Live Another Day as the sarcastic and temperamental CTU systems analyst Chloe O'Brian.


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The Wrap is reporting that, after weeks of speculation, fan favourite Mary Lynn Rajskub has finally been cast in 24: Live Another Day as the sarcastic and temperamental CTU systems analyst Chloe O’Brian. She’s second only to Jack Bauer himself in terms of the amount of episodes she’s appeared in, which may or may not be a spoiler if you’ve never watched the show. Apologies.

She had this to say regarding her casting:

I am thrilled to be working with Howard [Gordon, show creator] and the writers again – and, of course, Kiefer!… There’s a lot more room to grow in my character… I’m going to start sharpening my computer skills now!

Although she was introduced relatively late into the show – season three – by the final season she was credited as lead female,  second in billing to Kiefer Sutherland. Her character changed over the show from quite distant to trusted confidant of Jack Bauer, helping him when he needed it and always staying loyal, sometimes straying outside the law to do so.

After the last season of 24, she went on to star in a few movies, but nothing as high-profile as her career-making role in the show. That she’s back is good news for long-standing fans of the show, who looked to her for much-needed comic relief during the more intense scenes – it’s always nice to have something to break up the scenes of aggression and torture.

The new 12 hour series 24: Live Another Day will air in March 2014.