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Almost Every Xbox One Feature Is Locked Behind Xbox Live Gold Paywall

In an effort to explain all the benefits that come with paying for an Xbox Live Gold subscription, Microsoft has released a list of every Xbox One feature that the platform holder is planning to hide behind their Gold paywall. While many of the locked features on the list are completely expected, there are more than a few that surprised us.

xbox one gold features

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In an effort to explain all the benefits that come with paying for an Xbox Live Gold subscription, Microsoft has released a list of every Xbox One feature that the platform holder is planning to hide behind their Gold paywall. While many of the locked features on the list are completely expected, there are more than a few that surprised us.

The most shocking Xbox One Gold-only feature is arguably the console’s “Game DVR” abilities. This new feature (which records up to 5 minutes of in-game footage during gameplay and then uploads it to the Xbox Live servers) basically amounts to extremely valuable word of mouth advertising, as early adopters will be able to upload and show off next-gen software to non-owners. It is mind blowing that Microsoft would not want everyone and their dog to be promoting Xbox One titles via the console’s Game DVR abilities, regardless of their subscription status.

It was also a little surprising/disappointing to see Microsoft lock Skype, Internet Explorer, entertainment apps (like Netflix), and the Live TV OneGuide behind Xbox Live Gold. Skype and the entertainment apps are currently accessible for free on almost every single electronic device in existence, nobody wants Internet Explorer on anything, and the OneGuide requires users to already be paying for a cable or satellite subscription. It is a little hard to see how Microsoft can justify any of these Xbox One features as something worth paying extra for.

The other shocking thing about this Gold feature list is that it really highlights just how basic the console will be for Xbox Live Silver users. Nearly all of the selling points that Microsoft has mentioned about the Xbox One are tied to their premium subscription service, which stands in stark contrast to everything we know about Sony’s plans for the PlayStation 4.

Let us know your thoughts on the Xbox One Gold feature list in the comments below. Are you surprised, or is this pretty much in line with your expectations?