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Duke Nukem Forever Delay Is Not A Joke

Despite what many people thought, the recently announced Duke Nukem Forever delay was not a joke. The game is seriously delayed, yet again. Randy Pitchford, the man behind Gearbox and Duke Nukem Forever had an interview with Eurogamer in which he revealed that the delay on the Duke Nukem Forever's release date was not a prank or a trick.

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Despite what many people thought, the recently announced Duke Nukem Forever delay was not a joke. The game is seriously delayed, yet again. Randy Pitchford, the man behind Gearbox and Duke Nukem Forever had an interview with Eurogamer in which he revealed that the delay on the Duke Nukem Forever’s release date was not a prank or a trick.

“No trick – we believed May when we announced it. There is always uncertainty and we use experience and trends to help us be predictive. We are not perfect when it comes to predicting uncertain outcomes, but we are perfect at being committed to our goals and working relentlessly towards them. I think we may have been able to force May, but we think that would’ve introduced risks that would not have served gamers who have waited as long as we have to finally play Duke Nukem Forever.”

Personally, even though I can’t wait to play the sequel that was meant to never see the light of day, I am not disappointed by this move. Sure they could have released the game on May, but then we’d need a dozen of patches and updates to have a proper game to play. Giving them an extra month to finish the job sounds fine to me.

Duke Nukem Forever is now scheduled to be released on June 10, 2011 for the PC, XBOX 360 and Playstation 3.

What do you think on the matter? A lot of people said that they were almost certain that there would be a delay, were you one of those people?