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More Set Pics From Game Of Thrones Season Four

Just a few days ago, we were treated to an impressive batch of pictures from the set of the currently-shooting season four of Game of Thrones, giving us a great look at the new Mountain, sets, and more. Today, via Comic Book Movie, we have even more set pics that give us our first look at another replacement actor.

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Just a few days ago, we were treated to an impressive batch of pictures from the set of the currently-shooting season four of Game of Thrones, giving us a great look at the new Mountain, sets, and more. Today, via Comic Book Movie, we have even more set pics that give us our first look at another replacement actor.

Not long ago, we found out that actor Ed Skrein was being replaced by Michiel Huisman in the role of Daario Naharis, a close companion to Daenerys. Now we have a few snaps showing him hard at work already. The reason behind his replacement remains a mystery, especially when you consider how Skrein was doing a pretty good job with the role.

Maybe there was a scheduling conflict that prevented him from coming back, but given that it was known that Daario would be a recurring role, how would he have been able to sign on in the first place? Perhaps it was simply a situation where he didn’t like the environment (a la Christopher Eccleston and Doctor Who). I still can’t imagine that it was the showrunners who wanted to replace him, so the mystery only continues to grow.

Other pics in this batch include shots of Sansa (Sophie Turner), Tyrion (Peter Dinklage), and Tywin (Charles Dance). The latter two appear to be on the set that we saw in the last set of photos, a set that appears to be rather festive. Could it be for a certain King’s wedding? All of the beautiful decorations, including lots of lions, would seem to suggest so.

I’m particularly interested to see how they’re going to pull off Tyrion’s part of the story for this coming season. Without going into spoilers, I’ll just say that the upcoming wedding ends up being more eventful than you might think, leading to one of the most compelling storylines of the novel. Then again, you could say that for nearly every character’s story. Have I mentioned that I can’t wait for the series to come back?

Game of Thrones season four will debut this spring, presumably at the end of March or beginning of April, and will cover the latter half of George R.R. Martin’s A Storm of Swords.

Check out the pics below and let us know what you think in the comments!