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A Plethora Of Behind The Scenes Photos From Game Of Thrones Season Four

As season four of HBO's hit show Game of Thrones continues filming, we've received some small glimpses of behind the scenes photos that have shown off some of the new casting (The Mountain, Daario), as well as some of the returning cast (Daenerys, Sansa, Tyrion, etc.).

Game of Thrones

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As season four of HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones continues filming, we’ve received some small glimpses of behind the scenes photos that have shown off some of the new casting (The Mountain, Daario), as well as some of the returning cast (Daenerys, Sansa, Tyrion, etc.).

Today’s latest update not only comes with a multitude of additional pictures, but also a few words from the man behind the books himself, George R.R. Martin. Referring to the upcoming marriage of King Joffrey and Queen Margaery, Martin offered this little tidbit:

It’s going to be the wedding of the year, and as memorable in its own way as our wedding last season. It’s what the fans call the Purple Wedding, based on the color of the wine, which plays a big part. [The wedding scenes] look spectacular. The bride’s dress incorporates roses, there are 77 courses at the dinner feast, and there’s some wonderful halftime entertainment.

Of course, fans of the novel are highly anticipating the events to come, but not for the festive reason you might think. All I can do is echo Martin’s sentiment that it will indeed be a memorable occasion. It certainly looks like the production is going all out for the festivities, as the pictures below show that there are plenty of lions and Lannister crimson to go around. With the major importance that this event plays in the book, hopefully they’ll be able to pull it off in an equally grand fashion.

Moving on, we also have a few snaps from the filming in Croatia at Klis Fortress. We can clearly see that there’s a bit of crucifying going on here, so if I had to guess, I would say that this is Dany’s reaction to a certain something she discovers on her journey. I don’t want to get too spoilerish, so let’s just leave it at that.

Also included is a picture of The Eyrie set being deconstructed. Apparently they’ve finished with it, at least for this season. There’s one major event that happens right there in that infamous hall, so I assume they’ve already shot it, but rest assured, it’ll be back for the following season as the location is featured a fair amount in book four, A Feast for Crows.

Lastly, we have a bit of night-shooting from Ballintoy Harbour. The pictures show what appear to be Stannis’ men burning a few people at the stake. This too would lead into spoiler territory to discuss it much further, so once again, we’ll just leave it at that.

Season four of Game of Thrones will premiere this spring and will cover the latter half of book three, A Storm of Swords.

Check out the pics below and let us know what you think in the comments!