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CONTEST: Win The Heat Blu-Ray

We have two copies of The Heat on Blu-Ray to give out this week, courtesy of our friends at 20th Century Fox. Proving to be one of the funniest films of the year, the Sandra Bullock/Melissa McCarthy starring film was a huge hit at the box office, raking in $228 million worldwide.

Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in The Heat

Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in The Heat

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We have two copies of The Heat on Blu-Ray to give out this week, courtesy of our friends at 20th Century Fox.

Proving to be one of the funniest films of the year, the Sandra Bullock/Melissa McCarthy starring flick was a huge hit at the box office, raking in $228 million worldwide. Our very own Matt Donato had nothing but good things to say about it in his review, summing up his thoughts as follows:

After laughing heartily through The Heat, I’m pretty sure I’d watch any future project Paul Feig and Melissa McCarthy team up on. Sorry Rex Reed, you can’t deny McCarthy’s comedic talent.

I have to agree with him, as the film is an extremely entertaining watch and McCarthy and Bullock make for a hilarious pairing.

To enter our contest for your chance to win a copy of the Blu-Ray, simply Like us on Facebook and then Re-Tweet our contest message. A winner will be chosen on October 24th.

Good luck!
