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Woody Harrelson Menaces Christian Bale In Out Of The Furnace Clip

There are films that have months, even years, of hype, with teasers, trailers, TV spots, behind-the-scenes footage and clips jamming up our news feeds and Facebook walls. Then there are those films that come in quietly, sneaking up on y0u with a baseball bat. Out Of The Furnace seems to be one of the latter.


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There are films that have months, even years, of hype, with teasers, trailers, TV spots, behind-the-scenes footage and clips jamming up our news feeds and Facebook walls. Then there are those films that come in quietly, sneaking up on you with a baseball bat. Out Of The Furnace seems to be one of the latter.

With its release date only a month away, little has been said or teased for the drama starring Christian Bale, Woody Harrelson, Casey Affleck, and Willem Dafoe; yet it has the makings of a truly spectacular film. If the trailer that we saw a few weeks ago was not enough, the latest clip from the film only whets the appetite more.

It’s a tense, minute-long scene, little more than Woody Harrelson and Christian Bale glaring at each other. But Harrelson can bring serious menace to his roles when he wants to, and right now he wants to. Bale would like to know if he has a problem; one look at Harrelson’s face will tell you that yeah, he does.

Out Of The Furnace features Bale as Russell Baze, a worker at a steel mill also tasked with caring for his terminally ill father. When his brother Rodney (Casey Affleck) returns home from Iraq and finds himself sucked into a ruthless crime ring before disappearing completely, Russell has to take matters into his own hand, coming up against some nasty characters in an effort to procure justice for his brother.

The plot sounds intriguing, and the cast even more so. Along with the trailer we saw a few weeks back and this latest clip, I’m beginning to get very interested in seeing Out Of The Furnace when it opens in December.

You can watch the latest clip from the Scott Cooper-directed film below. Then let us know what you think about it in the comments.

Out Of The Furnace premieres on December 6th.