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Tom Hardy Wanted For John Connor In Terminator 5

The amount of casting news for high-profile films that has leaked out this week is staggering. From Batman vs. Superman, to Ghostbusters 3 to Terminator 5, fanboys must be having a field day with everything that's been making headlines over the past few days.


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The amount of casting news for high-profile films that has leaked out this week is staggering. From Batman vs. Superman, to Ghostbusters 3 to Terminator 5, fanboys must be having a field day with everything that’s been making headlines over the past few days.

If you recall, earlier this week Schmoes Know reported on a Terminator 5 shortlist for the roles of John and Sarah Connor. They told us that Brie Larson, Emilia Clarke and Margot Robbie were being eyed for Sarah, and now THR is confirming that. They also told us that Garrett Hedlund and Boyd Holbrook were in consideration for the part of John. It seems as that was semi true as both Hedlund and Holbrook are testing for the film, but not for the role of John Connor. Instead, they are being looked at for the part of Connor’s dad, Kyle Reese.

So, who does director Alan Taylor want for John Connor then? Well, according to THR, Mr. Tom Hardy is his first choice, which is funny as the actor’s Dark Knight Rises co-star, Christian Bale, played the same role in 2009’s Terminator Salvation. That film wasn’t too well received but the way that the franchise’s fifth outing is shaping up, I think that the results will be much better. I trust that they’ve learnt from their mistakes.

Personally, I love Tom Hardy. Ever since Bronson I’ve been a huge fan of his and I’d love to see him lead a huge blockbuster like T5. I think he would be really great in the role too and could be exactly what the franchise needs, as it hasn’t had a strong entry since T2: Judgement Day.

Terminator 5 is set to arrive on July 1st, 2015. With casting starting to heat up, you can bet that we’ll be hearing some official confirmations in the very near future. For now though, tell us, can you see Hardy leading the film? Let us know in the comments section below.