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WGTC Radio #69.5 – An Unexpected Podcast Meltdown

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It’s time for another episode of WGTC Radiosort of … well, in any case, it’s the official podcast of We Got This Covered, and you can subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link!

Let’s just dispense with the bad news upfront: Sean and I recorded the first two hours of a really special podcast episode today, all about reminiscing on the current generation of video game consoles and what they meant to us (in anticipation of this week’s PS4 launch), only for my new MacBook Pro to freeze on us in the middle of recording, thus wiping all data of what had been, up to that point, a really good episode of the show.

So that’s the bad news. The good news is, we recorded twenty minutes today explaining the situation, and that we are planning on re-recording the lost episode later this week for release on Friday, November 15th, the same date as the launch of the PS4 – and, by extension, the next generation. The new date will either be surprisingly fitting, or render the episode entirely pointless. We hope it’s the former.

So enjoy the twenty minutes we have for you today, and come back this Friday for the full episode, which we hope will live up to the lost version. Seventy episodes in, and this our first major malfunction – at the very least, that’s still a pretty high batting average. 

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WGTC Radio is a weekly podcast that will post every Monday, and if you subscribe in iTunes, episodes will be delivered automatically and for free as soon as they are released. If you visit We Got This Covered on Mondays, we will also have streaming and downloadable versions of new episodes for your listening pleasure.