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Guy Ritchie Looking To Helm King Arthur Franchise For Warner Bros.

Having delivered two films in their Sherlock Holmes series and now hard at work on The Man From U.N.C.L.E., director Guy Ritchie is forming a pretty successful relationship with Warner Bros. He's an extremely talented filmmaker, as evidenced by his previous efforts, and now the studio wants him to tackle a new franchise idea that they have.


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Having delivered two films in their Sherlock Holmes series and now hard at work on The Man From U.N.C.L.E., director Guy Ritchie is forming a pretty successful relationship with Warner Bros. He’s an extremely talented filmmaker, as evidenced by his previous efforts, and now the studio wants him to tackle a new franchise idea that they have.

Deadline is reporting that Ritchie is in talks to helm a King Arthur series for Warner Bros., which would consist of six films. The studio has been trying to get this story onto the big screen for a while now, with Ritchie being attached to a similar project for Warner Bros. (Excalibur) back in 2010. There was also David Dobkin’s Arthur & Lancelot which the studio tried to get off the groundOf course, nothing ended up panning out but now, things appear to be back on track.

Joby Harold has a script penned for the first of six movies, which is set to be a “blockbuster take” on the famous legend. Other than that, we don’t have any details on the project but it certainly sounds ambitious. Is it too ambitious? Perhaps, but with the recent/continued success of properties like Game of Thrones and The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, the studio has good reason to be optimistic. Moviegoers are still hungry for big-budget fantasy tales and seeing as we haven’t really had a solid King Arthur movie in, well, ever (though Antoine Fuqua’s 2004 take wasn’t entirely awful), there’s every reason to be excited for Warner Bros.’ ambitious plans.

Tell us, are you ready for six King Arthur films? Do you want to see Guy Ritchie helm the series? Let us know in the comments section below.