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I’d Rather Be At The Movies: “Technical Difficulties And Movie Ranting” (Episode 0.5)

Starting a podcast wouldn't feel right without some technical difficulties right off the bat, and on our second episode in, my co-host Justine Browning and I found out an unfortunate fact - my Blue Snowball microphone doesn't exactly get along with her laptop. Since I hiked across New York City to do the show, we attempted a salvage mission on this week's episode, one that honestly turned out much better than expected. Please show some mercy as we were forced to record using only an internal microphone. Being the troopers that we are though, we powered ahead despite the small obstacle and are now bringing you another episode of I'd Rather Be At The Movies.


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Starting a podcast wouldn’t feel right without some technical difficulties right off the bat, and on our second episode in, my co-host Justine Browning and I found out an unfortunate fact – my Blue Snowball microphone doesn’t exactly get along with her laptop. Since I hiked across New York City to do the show, we attempted a salvage mission on this week’s episode, one that honestly turned out much better than expected. Please show some mercy as we were forced to record using only an internal microphone. Being the troopers that we are though, we powered ahead despite the small obstacle and are now bringing you another episode of I’d Rather Be At The Movies.

This week on our “still under construction” podcast, Justine and I discuss the typical new releases and whatnot, but we start by getting a little off topic and ranting away our recent pains (movie audiences and stereotypes). Sure, we’ll be all positive and talk about recent press days that the both of us attended, but every once and a while you just need to unleash your frustrations on anyone who will listen, and this week, that’s you! Hope you’re on our side!

Starting next week, we’re going to have the official launch of I’d Rather Be At The Movies – featuring the charmingly stunning Matt Donato and his lovely, bubbly, and wonderful co-host Justine Browning (complimenting yourself in third person makes me feel dirty). You can expect to see us every Wednesday, invading your earholes with cinema conversations surrounding industry news, new releases, Blu-Ray gems – and maybe a rant every now and then.  iTunes, a flashy logo, the whole shebang – it’s coming, we promise. Until then, here’s another warm up to hold you over.

Check it out below and be sure to come back next week for our Grand Opening (for real this time!)

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