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Infamous 2 User Created Missions Preview Video

Excited about Infamous 2? Well, to wet your appetite, here's a video breaking down one of the sequel's biggest new attributes, the ability to make your own custom levels. If your worried it's just a hacked on mode that limits you in the creativity department, think again. There are a limitless amount of opportunities to explore using the advanced engine. You can look forward to making any type of mission you want.

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Excited about Infamous 2? Well, to wet your appetite, here’s a video breaking down one of the sequel’s biggest new attributes, the ability to make your own custom levels. If your worried it’s just a hacked on mode that limits you in the creativity department, think again. There are a limitless amount of opportunities to explore using the advanced engine. You can look forward to making any type of mission you want.

Races across town, escort duties, search and destroy missions, they all can be catered to your own liking. It seems LittleBigPlanet may have some competition, from an action game nonetheless. It’s another compelling reason to grab a copy of Infamous 2 when it releases on June 7th. Here’s the video, enjoy!