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Is Star Wars: Episode VII Already Filming?

It looks like the never-ending string of rumors about Star Wars: Episode VII isn't likely to slow down any time soon. Originally, I thought that perhaps all these rumors were circulating due to the lack of solid information about the film, but it turns out that even when seemingly-solid announcements are made, rumors still find a way through. A few months ago the Star Wars site said that filming for the new trilogy would begin in May. Things got even more specific with this week's report that filming would begin on May 14. Now, there are reports that filming may actually already be underway in Cairo.


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It looks like the never ending string of rumors about Star Wars: Episode VII isn’t likely to slow down any time soon. Originally, I thought that perhaps all these rumors were circulating due to the lack of solid information about the film, but it turns out that even when seemingly solid announcements are made, rumors still find a way through.

A few months ago the Star Wars site said that filming for the new trilogy would begin in May. Things got even more specific with this week’s report that filming would begin on May 14th. Now, there are reports that filming may actually already be underway in Cairo. 

The report comes from Jedi News, who also states that filming is supposed to occur at some point in Abu Dabi. Now, it’s obvious that filming can’t be going on now and also beginning in May, so there’s obviously something off here. Considering this is one of Jedi News’ unnamed sources, and we haven’t been able to find anything solid for confirmation, I’m remaining very skeptical.

If filming really is underway in Cairo, I’m going to assume that it’s merely some second unit shoot and no one from the main cast is involved. Perhaps they’re just getting landscape footage? Without any concrete information, it’s hard to say what exactly is going on.

That being said, if there are any readers in Cairo right now, you should start exploring and see if you can spot any signs of Star Wars: Episode VII. I’d do it myself, if I were about 6,000 miles closer to Cairo.