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Watch Dogs Downloads Its Launch Trailer

Following a disappointing delay from its chilly November launch date, Watch Dogs has since regrouped and gone gold, and is now on track for release in a mere five days. It's exciting news, to say the least, and Ubisoft is doing its best to pique even more interest in the sandbox/hacking game, by providing the Internet with yet another pre-release trailer. This time, however, it's a launch trailer.

Watch-Dogs (4)

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Following a disappointing delay from its chilly November launch date, Watch Dogs has since regrouped and gone gold, and is now on track for release in a mere five days. It’s exciting news, to say the least, and Ubisoft is doing its best to pique even more interest in the sandbox/hacking game, by providing the Internet with yet another pre-release trailer. This time, however, it’s a launch trailer.

Playing out like a typical launch trailer, this most recent look is full of things we’ve seen before. Sure, there’s likely new footage to be found within, but the video’s montage format and quick cuts don’t allow for a lot of time to be spent on just one thing. That’s perfectly fine, though, given that it does its job of setting the tone for a game that has lots of people talking.

Watch Dogs will hack Chicago this coming Tuesday, May 27. Make sure to stay tuned for our full and expectedly thorough review, which will also debut next week.