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Bioware Offers New Details On The Next Mass Effect

With the next entry in the Mass Effect franchise now well into development, the expectation coming into EA's E3 2014 press conference was that we would get some type of footage from the new title. What we got instead, unfortunately, was just a re-iteration of previously available information.

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With the next entry in the Mass Effect franchise now well into development, the expectation coming into EA’s E3 2014 press conference was that we would get some type of footage from the new title. What we got instead, unfortunately, was just a re-iteration of previously available information.

The brief video presentation announced that the story will take gamers to a brand new part of the galaxy and will allow you to “pick a planet across the other side of the galaxy and fly there and see what you’ll discover.” We were also told that the story for the next Mass Effect will also be completely separate from the now-completed story of Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy.

Besides that, though, precious little information was revealed on the title and even the brief glimpses we got at it were just pieces of concept art. While it would have been nice to learn more, at least we know that the game is actively being worked on.

We will have more information on the next entry in the Mass Effect franchise when Bioware and EA are ready to talk. Until then, check out the trailer below.