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No Man’s Sky Procedurally Generates An Infinite Universe On PS4

No Man's Sky developer Hello Games took to the E3 stage this year to display the infinite possibilities of the game's procedurally generated universe. If there's one thing for certain, No Man’s Sky is truly aiming for the stars.

No Man's Sky

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No Man’s Sky developer Hello Games took to the E3 stage this year to display the infinite possibilities of the game’s procedurally generated universe. If there’s one thing for certain, No Man’s Sky is truly aiming for the stars.

Within the game, each and every player that picks up a controller begins on their own individual planet, and Hello Games has taken this approach to ensure that the gamer’s experience becomes their own personal journey into the cosmos.

Standing on the surface of your starter planet presents limitless possibilities. Everything that you find yourself gawking at on the horizon can be explored. Planets looming in the sky above you possess their own unique ecology, and finding the universe’s secrets is simply a matter of venturing into the unknown to discover them.

Of course, the game doesn’t solely rely on exploration to fuel your gaming adventures. Survival will play a crucial role in the game as you continue to find yourself uncovering the deadliest threats in the universe.

Sean Murray gives fans a greater sense of the wonder that awaits in No Man’s Sky:

“Normally as a developer, your game doesn’t often surprise you, but I’ve just been grinning ear to ear as I’ve explored. Getting into fights with pirates, attacking space stations, discovering life I never knew existed. I guess I’m biased, but there are moments where my jaw drops, just seeing unexpected results emerge from procedural systems we’ve created.”

Following Hello Games’ unfortunate flooding that occurred last Christmas, it’s great to see the studio show up in full force. Not only was this their first presence at E3, but it seems like they managed to blow everyone away with No Man’s Sky‘s remarkable procedurally generated universe.