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Anthony Hopkins Courted For Churchill And Roosevelt Project

Anthony Hopkins is still getting around in his old age, he always attaches himself to projects that are at least of some interest. This one is called Churchill and Roosevelt, and is a project that is being brought to fruition by megastar Angelina Jolie, who looks to be making her first big leap behind the camera.

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Anthony Hopkins is still getting around in his old age, he always attaches himself to projects that are at least of some interest. This one is called Churchill and Roosevelt, and is a project that is being brought to fruition by megastar Angelina Jolie, who looks to be making her first big leap behind the camera. In an interview with MTV while doing the press rounds for Thor, Hopkins said the following:

I might work with Angelina Jolie on ‘Churchill and Roosevelt. She’s got a thing about Churchill. Angelina sent me a synopsis of the script yesterday, so that’s in the offering as well. I’d have to put on some weight to play Churchill. I’ve just taken the weight off, I’d have to put it back on again.

Churchill is a magnificent role to play but one that would be hard to not fall into caricature. Of course Hopkins is no newcomer to playing political heavyweights having previously performed in his Oscar nominated roles of Quincy Adams in Amistad and as Richard Nixon in Nixon. The latter of which is, in my eyes, Hopkins’ finest screen performance. The job is now to find someone to counter act Hopkins in the role of Roosevelt. That will require an equal heavyweight in the role, although no news on who that will be yet:

We’re looking. She’s looking for somebody to play Roosevelt, I don’t know who yet.

There’s also no word on Jolie’s position behind the camera, whether producing, directing or writing. Could possibly be all three. I don’t know, I’d be interested to see how it turns out. We’ll keep you posted on more news.