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New Trailer For The Crew Promotes Vehicular Customization

From coast to coast and sea to sea, the United States is made up of varied geography. Why is that so important to note? Well, when you have an open-world racing game that promotes cross-country road trips, it's important to be ready for everything. Thankfully, Ubisoft's The Crew looks to be prepared for all of the geographical challenges that will come its way.

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From coast to coast and sea to sea, the United States is made up of varied geography. Why is that so important to note? Well, when you have an open-world racing game that promotes cross-country road trips, it’s important to be ready for everything. Thankfully, Ubisoft’s The Crew looks to be prepared for all of the geographical challenges that will come its way.

Above, you’ll see a brand new trailer for The Crew, which subtly touts its customization specs. From the looks of things, you’ll be able to create different presets for dirt, circuit and traditional racing, among other types. That’ll be welcomed news for those who plan to explore every inch of the game’s world, and not just its paved roadways.

Look for The Crew on December 2nd, and make sure to pack well beforehand.