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Watch The Couch Gag From The Simpsons And Futurama Crossover Simpsorama

"A show out of ideas teams up with a show out of episodes," is the opening tagline description for The Simpsons-Futurama crossover, Simpsorama. That's right folks, the gang from the twice-canceled space comedy are staging a brief comeback to the small screen. In this Sunday's weekly instalment of The Simpsons, Homer and co. will be uniting for a crossover with Matt Groening's other animated serial.

“A show out of ideas teams up with a show out of episodes,” is the opening tagline description for The SimpsonsFuturama crossover, Simpsorama. That’s right folks, the gang from the twice-canceled space comedy are staging a brief comeback to the small screen. In this Sunday’s weekly instalment of The Simpsons, Homer and co. will be uniting for a crossover with Matt Groening’s other animated serial.

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Bringing together the Planet Express delivery crew with Springfield’s infamous family, the special episode will kick off in a traditional way: via the couch gag. The Simpsons‘ opening credits have been a long-running source of some of the series’ finest quips. Beginning with Bart’s chalky scrawls on his schoolroom board, they culminate with a different couch joke every week. So, to accurately commence this spinoff episode, the powers that be have created an amalgam of the two shows via the Simpsons’ sofa.

To stir up interest before this weekend, Fox has debuted the gag in full via YouTube, which you can watch for yourself above. It’s a brilliant cohesion of the two shows, with Homer growing acquainted with Futurama bit-character, Hedonismbot. It’s certainly a winning tease for what’s to come this weekend.

What we know so far, judging by the above image of Bender going hell for leather, is that all isn’t exactly rosy in the future. For this unique time-traveling episode of The Simpsons, the show will “unspool a complex, Terminator-esque story that involves Bart blowing his nose on a sandwich that he places in a time capsule. When that mixes with Milhouse’s rabbit’s foot and some radioactive ooze, it creates a global catastrophe in the future, prompting Bender to travel back in time to kill Bart and prevent this mega-mess.”

The Simpsons/Futurama crossover episode will air this Sunday on Fox at 8:00pm. Will you be tuning in?