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[Updated] Alien: Isolation’s Latest Patch Is Corrupting Saves On PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 users have encountered an array of technical issues after downloading the latest software patch for The Creative Assembly's Alien: Isolation.

Alien: Isolation

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Update: SEGA has issued a statement to those PS4 users affected by the recent technical hiccup on Alien: Isolation following the download of Patch 1.1. In order to circumvent the problem, the publisher has asked users to uninstall the title in its entirety from the hard drive (backing up your save files first, of course) before reinstalling the game onto the console.

Here’s a play-by-play rundown from SEGA:

“We’ve discovered an issue with the latest patch (v1.02) for Alien: Isolation on PS4, where some users are having difficulties with playing Mission 5. We’re currently working with Sony on a fix and will have that available as soon as possible.

“In the meantime, we want to make sure that this issue doesn’t prevent you playing Alien: Isolation. With this in mind, we’ve removed patch v1.02 from the servers for PS4 only. If you have already downloaded patch v1.02 and you are experiencing problems, please follow these steps to revert to v1.01:

Uninstall Alien: Isolation from your PS4, being careful to retain your save games.
Reinstall Alien: Isolation to your PS4.
Download and install patch v1.01 from the PlayStation Network.

“Your game should now work correctly. We will reissue a new patch for PS4 soon that will address the original cut-scene issues.”

Original Story: PlayStation 4 users have encountered an array of technical issues after downloading the latest software patch for The Creative Assembly’s Alien: Isolation.

Released yesterday across both Xbox One and PS4, Patch 1.1 was designed to provide a fix for cutscene playback in the game, but has instead opened up a whole new can of worms with players reporting corrupt saves and crashing on Sony’s console.

Taking to Twitter, The Creative Assembly acknowledged the ongoing problems on the platform, and assured horror fans that an update will arrive as soon as possible.

A quick glance at the game’s Twitter feed tells the story, really, with some users stating that Alien: Isolation would freeze and switch to a blue screen sporadically, forcing them to do a hard reset on the console. On the other hand, players have encountered problems when entering the game’s lifts and, essentially, trying to progress to the next part of the narrative, with the first-person title displaying a CE-34878-0 error code from time to time.

We’ll keep you up to date with the status of Alien: Isolation as more information appears, but for now, if you’ve already downloaded the patch, err on the side of caution as you creep through the abandoned corridors of Sevastopol station, because there’s a threat lurking within the underbelly of the PS4 version and it isn’t the Xenomorph.

Tell us, are you one of the unfortunate few to be affected by the technical issues in Alien: Isolation following the release of Patch 1.1? Share your experience in the comments section below.