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Get Wormy With December’s Games With Gold Line-Up

Those who were hoping for something amazing from Xbox LIVE's Games With Gold December line-up will be disappointed to hear that the month will offer yet another serviceable but unspectacular list.


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Those who were hoping for something amazing from Xbox LIVE’s Games With Gold December line-up will be disappointed to hear that the month will offer yet another serviceable but unspectacular list.

This holiday month, Microsoft will be offering Xbox One early adopters (who possess a subscription to its LIVE service) a free Worms Battlegrounds download. The gift marks a potential savings of $24.99, but the game itself hasn’t set the world on fire and won’t appeal to everyone.

Conversely, those who still own and use an Xbox 360 console will be given two free digital titles. First up is The Raven, an episodic Xbox LIVE Arcade title which will be free from the first until the fifteenth. Then, following that, EA Sports’ great SSX reboot will offer free lift passes from the sixteenth until the thirty-first.

As fun as SSX is, I can’t help but be disappointed by this list. Then again, maybe I’ve come to expect too much from both Games With Gold and PlayStation Plus. Anything is appreciated, as always, but the recent Xbox One offerings haven’t been much to write home about, and that’s where most of my disappointment stems from.