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Arnie Hammer Is Calling The Shots In The Lone Ranger

Armie Hammer is one of those few actors whose career has truly gone from unknown extra to rising star. Eight months ago, audiences could only vaguely remember the actor cast as Batman in George Miller‘s unfinished Justice League movie. But after his major role in The Social Network, Armie Hammer is quickly ascending the Hollywood ladder to become an A-list actor.

Armie Hammer is one of those few actors whose career has truly gone from unknown extra to rising star. Eight months ago, audiences could only vaguely remember the actor cast as Batman in George Miller‘s unfinished Justice League movie. But after his major role in The Social Network, Armie Hammer is quickly ascending the Hollywood ladder to become an A-list actor.

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First cast as the love of Leonardo DiCaprio’s life in Clint Eastwood‘s J.Edgar, Hammer then grabbed the role of the prince in Tarsem Singh’s The Brothers Grimm: Snow White opposite Julia Roberts and Lily Collins.  He even came close to being the next Superman in The Man of Steel before Henry Cavill beat him to it.  Finally, Armie Hammer is going to plant deep roots into movie history by taking the title role in a new adaptation of The Lone Ranger.

It’s no wonder Hammer got involved in this type of movie with enthusiam: he not only gets to play opposite Johnny Depp, he is also consorting with Jerry Bruckheimer and Gore Verbinski, the team behind the popular Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.  However, while Depp’s been scheduled to take a part in the “modern” Western for three years now, Hammer just signed on after Ryan Gosling turned down the part a few weeks ago.

Actual production for The Lone Ranger will begin this fall, but the film is more likely to be released sometime at the end of 2012.