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Watch Calvin Harris Perform Blame And Outside At The BBC Music Awards

Calvin Harris appeared at the BBC Music Awards last night, along with John Newman and Ellie Goulding, to play two tracks from his latest album, Motion. Taking the stage to perform Blame and Outside, the Scottish DJ did away with the decks and instead took a seat behind a grand piano, while Newman and Goulding provided vocals for their respective songs.


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Calvin Harris appeared at the BBC Music Awards last night, along with John Newman and Ellie Goulding, to play two tracks from his latest album, Motion. Taking the stage to perform “Blame” and “Outside,” the Scottish DJ did away with the decks and instead took a seat behind a grand piano, backed by a live orchestra, while Newman and Goulding provided vocals for their respective songs.

While we’ve seen Harris perform both these tracks countless times already, it’s a nice change of pace to see him take a seat behind the piano, demonstrating to us that his classical music talents are just as strong as his electronic ones.

Check out the video below to see Calvin Harris‘ performance last night at the BBC Music Awards and let us know what you think.