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Zachary Quinto Won’t Be Back For Heroes: Reborn

One of the biggest stars to emerge from NBC's sleeper hit of 2006 has confirmed that he won't be returning for this year's reboot, Heroes: Reborn. Zachary Quinto, who played the insidious villain of Heroes - Sylar - told BuzzFeed (via Coming Soon) that he had turned down the chance to reappear in the show's resurrection:


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One of the biggest stars to emerge from NBC’s sleeper hit of 2006 has confirmed that he won’t be returning for this year’s reboot, Heroes: Reborn. Zachary Quinto, who played the insidious villain of Heroes – Sylar – told BuzzFeed (via Coming Soon) that he had turned down the chance to reappear in the show’s resurrection:

“I’m not going back,” the actor . “[Series creator] Tim [Kring] reached out to me when they decided they were going to do it. We had a great conversation. It was such a meaningful experience for me – I loved that job, I loved those people…. I just felt like I didn’t want to go back to it…Tim was very, very understanding and supportive. I’m thrilled that they’re doing it. I’m thrilled that Jack Coleman is going back to it. And I know they just cast Zach Levi, which is great. I mean, it’s a great thing to be a part of. I just felt like I need to cultivate other outlets for myself.”

For those who haven’t been keeping up, roughly eleven months ago the studio and Kring announced plans to revive the show for a brand new series. Scant details arrived over the summer, including a brief plot synopsis suggesting it would splinter off into a different direction than the original.

Between 2006 and 2008, Heroes told the story of a group of seemingly-unconnected people who come to learn that they each possess superhuman abilities. When fate intervenes and they join together, they strive to combine their powers and save the world. At the time, it was unlike anything broadcast by a major network, threading themes and styles usually reserved for the “geek demographic” and became a massive worldwide hit.

Back to the reboot, though, and with Quinto’s departure now a definite the only involved – and verified – players in front of the cameras are ex-Chuck star Zach Levi and Jack Coleman. No details about Levi’s character have been revealed, except that it will be a key leading role, and Coleman will be reprising the part of Noah Bennett – aka The Man With The Horn Rimmed Glasses. With many former stars expected to appear, Quinto might be the only one not showing up for the Heroes: Reborn reunion.