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The Tea & Crumpet Filmcast: Ex Machina, Mortdecai And A Most Violent Year (Episode 14)

This week, The Tea & Crumpet Filmcast tackle Ex Machina, Mortdecai and A Most Violent Year.


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Dom may be slipping and moaning his way through the Sundance Film Festival on the far side of the Atlantic, but the mighty Filmcast rolls on unabated. Liam is joined by regular guest Dr. Lindsay Hallam (Lecturer in Film at the University of East London), David James (London City Nights) and Matthew Lee (Screen Robot) to talk yet another busy week at the movies.

On the chopping block for this episode we have Johnny Depp “comedy” Mortdecai, and – much more pleasantly – an Oscar Isaac double bill, with Ex Machina and A Most Violent Year both coming under the gang’s intense scrutiny.

Buckle in folks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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