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Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Slated For April Release In North America

Nintendo of America announced today that Xenoblade Chronicles 3D will launch for the New Nintendo 3DS XL on April 10 in North America. The handheld remake of the cult Nintendo Wii RPG will also launch in Japan and Europe on April 2.


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Nintendo of America announced today that Xenoblade Chronicles 3D will launch for the New Nintendo 3DS XL on April 10 in North America. The handheld remake of the cult Nintendo Wii RPG will also launch in Japan and Europe on April 2nd.

Since the remake will be taking advantage of the improved CPU, built-in NFC compatibility, and additional inputs, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D will not be playable on the regular Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo 2DS. While this is unfortunate for those that aren’t willing to make the jump to the New Nintendo 3DS yet, at least Nintendo isn’t compromising on the technical front.

With the new console featuring full Amiibo support, gamers will be able to use their Shulk figurine in order to earn tokens in the game. StreetPass functionality is also being included in the release, which will help players earn tokens in order to unlock character models and music.

As a fan of the original Xenoblade Chronicles, I’m a little disappointed that I won’t be able to pick-up the remake when it launches. I only recently bought a 3DS XL, and I’m not about to sell it back for a New 3DS. Still, those that pick up the console should definitely consider picking up Monolith Soft’s excellent RPG when it becomes available.

If you plan on picking up a New Nintendo 3DS XL when it launches next week, will you also be picking up Xenoblade Chronicles 3D later on down the line? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.