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More Delays Expected For Star Trek 2

With his upcoming Super 8 setting to stun on its June release date, we can fully expect that around that time J.J. Abrams will announce his return to the Star Trek franchise. His lively, exciting reboot of the stale franchise was both a box office and critical success when it was released two years ago. So there would be no doubt of a sequel. The film has a release date set for June 29th 2012 but the only thing that has come out of Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof is a 70 page outline.

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With his upcoming Super 8 setting to stun in June, we can fully expect that around that time, J.J. Abrams will announce his return to the Star Trek franchise. His lively, exciting reboot of the stale franchise was both a box office and critical success when it was released two years ago. There was never any doubt there would be a sequel and we know that i has a release date set for June 29th, 2012. The only thing that has come out of Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof though is a 70 page outline.

So, in such a long time how come the furthest they have got is an outline, especially considering it is such a big studio project? Well all three of the writers have been busy with other films. All three were part of the writing team working on Jon Favreaus Cowboys & Aliens, while Damon Lindelof was hired to retool Ridley Scott‘s Alien prequel which then transformed into Prometheus. One of which is nearly ready to be released, the other is currently in the middle of production. So now if plans don’t change, the team will have 13 months to put together a massive, mega budget blockbuster.

It is likely if Abrams gets his way, the film could be delayed by 6 months but Orci has said in an interview that they could start prepping on the outline alone. A dangerous place to be in for a massive film like this. We’ll bring you more news on the developing Star Trek sequel as we get it. (Deadline)