The first of Netflix and Marvel’s collaborative series debuted last Friday to universal acclaim from critics and fans. The 13-episodes of Daredevil, charting Matt Murdock’s adventures as he battles the scum buckets of Hell’s Kitchen were gobbled up by viewers who responded to the series with one unanimous question… when will we get a second season?
In the initial agreement between the two companies, the plan was to roll out one season per character. Daredevil, AKA Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist would each receive a dedicated string of episodes before the final team-up series The Defenders. Whether their lives continue into successive seasons is as yet unknown, but apparently we need not worry.
According to a new piece of intel from the folks at Bleeding Cool, the fate of those four heroes may extend beyond that finale and into the Marvel movie-verse for roles in 2019’s Avengers: Infinity War – Part 2.
Of course, it’s no secret that the events of the small-screen series all exist within Marvel’s gigantic cinematic universe. By the time 2019 rolls around, each of the characters will have had at least one solo season and the team-up series. So, depending on audience reaction – which if Daredevil is anything to go by, it will be favorable – we may very well be watching Murdock, Jones, Cage and Iron Fist battling Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.