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Hell Swings Open In First Doom Teaser, Bethesda Pegs Full Reveal For E3

Even though it hasn't been confirmed, a certain and long-awaited Fallout 4 is acting as the unofficial headlining act of Bethesda's E3 press conference, though that doesn't mean the publisher is short of content to show. Case in point: id Software's anticipated Doom reboot.

Even though it hasn’t been confirmed, a certain and long-awaited Fallout 4 is acting as the unofficial headlining act of Bethesda’s E3 press conference, though that doesn’t mean the publisher is short of content to show. Case in point: id Software’s anticipated Doom reboot.

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Attendees of last year QuakeCon were able to get a glimpse of the in-development shooter, which reportedly featured all of the series’ beloved staples; blood, guts and towering demons. Now, with little under a month until the company’s conference in the LA Convention Center, Betehsda has debuted the first teaser for the upcoming horror title. Embedded above, the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it clip comes in at a measly 11 seconds, showcasing a brief look at a shotgun reloading from first-person before a mechanized demon lumbers onto the scene brandishing shoulder-mounted machine guns. Yep, Doom is back in business.

Since it was formally announced, Bethesda has released precious few details of what fans can expect come release. Heck, it’s still unclear whether the game itself will officially launch in 2015. That said, considering that next month will herald the reboot’s first gameplay showcase, it’s highly unlikely that we’ll be blasting through the depths of Hell until 2016 at the earliest.

Tell us, what do you want to see from the publisher’s upcoming Doom reboot? Indeed, do you believe now is the time to revive the once-bulletproof franchise? Let us know your thoughts using the comments section below.