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Pre-E3 Teaser For Rise Of The Tomb Raider Coming June 1

Before Microsoft lifts the curtain on Lara's next adventure in The Lost City, the publisher is set to reveal what we assume to be a teaser trailer for Crystal Dynamics' Rise of the Tomb Raider on June 1.


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Before Microsoft lifts the curtain on Lara’s next adventure in The Lost City, the publisher is set to reveal what we assume to be a teaser trailer for Crystal Dynamics’ Rise of the Tomb Raider on June 1.

That’s according to the series’ official Twitter feed, which released the following ambiguous message asking fans to save the date.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is poised to have a big showcase at this year’s E3 trade show as the anticipated follow-up creeps ever closer to release. No word yet on a specific date, mind you, though we can rest assured that both Crystal Dynamics and Microsoft will have much more to reveal in a couple of weeks.

However, over the last few days it was the latter company that bore the brunt of fan criticism, after Xbox Australia slated Rise as an Xbox exclusive period, as opposed to a timed exclusive like Microsoft had originally suggested. Such an erroneous post prompted the publisher’s Phil Spencer to reaffirm that Rise of the Tomb Raider exclusivity deal has a duration, and that Lara’s next outing will indeed come to PlayStation 4 and PC at some point after the game’s Xbox debut.

Check back on Monday, June 1, when we’ll have a play-by-play breakdown of Rise of the Tomb Raider‘s pre-E3 event. Our advice? Don’t get too excited, as Microsoft will no doubt be keeping the majority of the vertical slice under wraps until the main event on June 15.