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More Bleak Numbers Surface From Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas

In the days following the 2015 edition of Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas, the officials tasked with assessing the damage have compiled more data assessing the negative impacts of the world-renowned festival. We already brought you the story of the tragic death of an attendee now identified as Nicholas Austin that took place on the morning of Sunday, the 21st as well as some single-day arrest and hospitalization figures, but the latest information available helps to tell the full story.


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In the days following the 2015 edition of Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas, the officials tasked with assessing the damage have compiled more data assessing the negative impacts of the world-renowned festival. We already brought you the story of the tragic death of an attendee now identified as Nicholas Austin that took place on the morning of Sunday, the 21st, as well as some single-day arrest and hospitalization figures, but the latest information available helps to tell the full story.

From Friday through Sunday, medical calls totalled 1,426, 27 of which resulted in attendees being transported to nearby hospitals. From Sunday night through Monday, an additional 512 calls were made.

The final figure of individuals ejected from the festival grounds now sits at 219. Felony arrests From Sunday night through Monday totalled 31 in addition to seven misdemeanor citations (one of which resulted in an arrest) and 17 traffic citations.

Once again, We Got This Covered would like to remind festivalgoers to enjoy events like Electric Daisy Carnival responsibly. We encourage fans to make their experience more about the music, community and free expression and less about the party – a valuable lesson that anyone hoping to remain in this community for a long period of time must learn.