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Spider-Man Will Have A Decent Sized Role In Captain America: Civil War

While many people were expecting Spider-Man's role in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War to simply be a small cameo, we're now learning that it may be a bit more substantial than that.


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While many people were expecting Spider-Man’s role in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War to simply be a small cameo, we’re now learning that it may be a bit more substantial than that.

According to Birth.Death.Movies, the webslinger will do more than just “swing by and say hi,” as he’s set to have a few fight scenes as well:

How many scenes will Spider-Man be in? I don’t know the exact number, but sources have recently made it clear to me that there’s more Spider-Man in this movie than I expected. Spider-Man doesn’t just swing by and say hi – gets his hands dirty in this Civil War. He fights. And his fight scene might be the one that really gets fandom excited – not because of how top tier the face-off will be, but because of how profoundly dorky and unlike any other big screen superhero fight it will be.

No word on who he’ll fight or what the scene will entail, but it definitely sounds like Spidey will make his presence known in Captain America: Civil War. It’s important that he does, too, as Marvel and Sony need to get people on board with the rebooted version of the character before his standalone film hits.

It’s no secret that audiences are sceptical about another reboot for the character, especially given what happened with Marc Webb’s attempt. With Marvel now on board, it’s more than likely that they’ll be able to get the character right this time, but it still can’t hurt to have him make an impressive debut in Cap’s next film before he gets a solo outing, right?

Tell us, how do you think Spider-Man will factor into Captain America: Civil War? Sound off below!